Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Can Magnets Be Used For Generating Free Electricity?

Magnets are used every day to produce electricity. Most of us think of the electric companies with their large plants that use steam driven generators. Hoover Dam comes to mind with its water driven generators. Magnets are at the heart of these power plants. Nikolai Tesla created a number of inventions based on somewhat similar technologies that used magnets to create electrical power. With the improvements in technology, any one can build their own power generator and have free electricity to power their homes.

Did you know that you could eliminate your electricity bills completely by constructing a Zero-Point Magnetic Power Generator. A Zero-Point Magnetic Power Generator uses magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion. A machine that runs indefinitely, or perpetually while producing more energy than it consumes, is called a perpetual motion device. Hundreds of MagniWorks Generators have been successfully built around the world, proving that this is a viable source for generating Free Electricity. Experts have been predicting that this technology will become the most popular way to generate electricity in the future.

Blueprints for magnetic generators are now available . You can build your own generator and harness the power for use in your own home. If you are ready to save money and power your home with out paying the large polluting power companies, then you need to download a copy of this E-book Today!

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